Jeff Jetton: Do you think people are becoming more comfortable communicating through a device rather than face to face or verbally?Noam Chomsky: My grandchildren, that’s all they do. I mean, of course they talk to people, but an awful lot of their communication is extremely rapid, very shallow communication. Text messaging, Twitter, that sort of thing.Jeff Jetton: What do you think are the implication for human behavior?Noam Chomsky: It think it erodes normal human relations. It makes them more superficial, shallow, evanescent. One other effect is there’s much less reading. I can see it even with my students, but also with my children and grandchildren, they just don’t read much.
Me ha gustado la reflexión que le dedica al respecto Nathan Jurgenson (estudiante de doctorado en University of Maryland): Why Chomsky is wrong about Twitter:
Digital communications are produced more by some groups than others. Texting, tweeting and the like are not just the domain of wealthy kids and knowledge workers, as some assume. Research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project has demonstrated that nonwhites are much more likely to connect to the Web, communicate and create content on mobile phones than are whites.In many cases, historically disadvantaged groups have used social media technology to find opportunities previously foreclosed to them. For these folks, social media is hardly trivial
Es obvio que la opinión del eminente lingüista (aunque todas sus teorías se están demostrando falsas) y millonario icono contracultual no va a tener la menor influencia en el desarrollo de la sociedad posdigital; en el fondo, quizá solo se trate de una cuestión de años, que nunca nos pasan en balde.
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